Remember the time when handphone first came out. And it was not a widely household item as it is right now...? The time when you told people you brought your phone out of your home to use people would regard you as a crazy lunatic...?yea...if i didn't recall wasn't too long ago...well, at least i know i was born in that era. haha...ok..i was in the transition of the era. from no tech to low tech to high tech. haha...which were you in..? kids nowadays belong to the latter stage.
antenna phones to non antenna phones. look how they shrink in size too. Thus, i often remember how the first few generations of handphone looked like. was called the brick waterbottle handphone...or so i remember...big as a brick, most probably heavy like one too....and then it was said to be a waterbottle too....! hahaha...
I tried finding the very conventional authentic original first generation hp's images...but i couldn't get any....

this was a better one i could find...this was i think already considered one of the later you can imagine how big and bulky and presumely scary the original one is...i remember my uncle joking that if you meet a bandit, just use the phone and slam it on the bandit's head, it will work just as well as a brick.
Thus i was quite suprise to see a remake of the first generation phone...smaller definitely...but still very bulky..but it has many features in it..the camera, mp3 and mp4 to mention a few...not too terms of style and compactness...? fails my test anytime.....

Wonder what was it that lead to this company. Chinese company i pressume to manufacture this product..? I think maybe their trying to go retro....i wonder if their having much luck with it...?

Haha...but still, i find it a very interesting find of the day.....
Would you buy this handphone to use?

Would you would you? :P
Take care peeps. be a nice human. loves. :)
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