This is part 2! of diploma-ed and i guess it should be the last part...(like after sooo long. i know..haha.:P i was waiting for more piccys.)
Yours truly grad pics!:)I will let the photos do most of the talking or explaination...you get what i mean..;)
Here we go..

It was a day of many many people! Jamie!(above) and fang ting and mandy! (below) which i can see clearly from the crowd...is that gerald behind? Gosh. i didn't get to take pictures with as many people as i wanted tooo....:((( nvm..at least got some of them in pictures like this...lol

Purple:SchoolofTechnologyfortheArts. Pink: SchoolofAppliedScience. Blue:SchoolofEnGineering
the above purple,pink and blue rangers...wahaha. 0.o''

and thank you orangey for the lovely rose!:))

candid shot. harng and me before we posed. i like this shot even though its abit blur...

so this was the proper one...as you can see. i wasn't exactly ready...haha..:P

lukeeeee. o. what lovely darlie smiles we have. haha!

xin yi. one of the first few people i got to know in Rp. I knew her during orientation. a very lovely girl indeed. :D

eeshaun and the gurls. :)
doesn't it feel like a smile campaign galour? haha..XD

varian and me! a nice faci=)

miistyfied gang. look at miisty up there on the glass panel. thanks eeshaun!:))

oo. i love this pic...cux we all look so lovely and happy!
L to R: ms toh aka eliz, ahsia,me,rachel,alex,daphne and julia!
the more people the merrier!:)

so...in accordance to the more people the merrier, there is this pic...where you can see us going...take picture...who want take picture...come come take picture...haaa...so we're all looking unprepared or scrambling in...only fangting looks absolutely perfect! haa.

taaddaaa. love this pic. nicenice. many many people.

remember the cupcake from the last chapter....

in the previous episode there was this cupcake at the end of the blog post. :)

so to show you...here were where they came from...STA was sweet enough to give our batch of grad students cupcakes...heeee...:D i think only STA got it...weee! haha..

so here is a closer look on it. (these two photos are courtesy of fishy. :))
don't they look beautiful? Look for miisty and friendso the tags!!!:D

Stampy on the left. miisty on the right.

heh. Family photo!! my bro was there in his uni gown?! hehehe...:P
see. me and my greedy face. hahaa!yeap. that's the end of it....tata~
thank you all. muackssssss!
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