and with more time? on my hands...maybe a lil. :p i went back to J dorama time!:))) weee..i like! suki desu! Happy!:)
Been holding on to this jmovie for a long time and haven't really gotten down to watching's call Nana. Yup, that's 7 in Jap.

This site HERE(its the same one as above) is a good Nana movie fan gives background to the cast and all.... And theres the wiki site wiki for nana movie and manga..which i think has a good writeup info this time round.

Go watch the movie...i really enjoyed it, maybe you would too!:) the set design was also done well, if i were to say so, but then again they had the original manga to have as inspiration...

While i was wathching nana 1...i saw this actor which sticked out, the guy who acted as Shin. He was so familiar, but i had NO idea where i saw him. absolutely non. zen zen wakari-masen. <

Curious nosy poker as i am...i did a lil googling...and aaaeee! i finally realised who he was!
Guess guess!! Can you guess?
Do you know yet..? Have you guessed? Keep guessing? He's coming to big screens near you!

He is "L" from Death Note!!
omg. and to think i could'nt recognise where i saw him before. haha...
can you blame me..? He looks...well. kinda different...heh..:p he looks like this...scroll up to see that clean cut with all the devilish hair and wonder he looks different.

But on his acting skills, yea...jumping from Shin in Nana to L is rather different...not bad not bad...;)
Found some pics of him which look so different...have a looky....=)

these are some nice pics eh? :) it soo doesn't look like L. aha...can't expect him to look like tt in real life can we..?
its japan. where the pretty boys come from. lol. image is important. haha..:p bijin shounen. ( i can't remember the accurate spelling, but it roughly means pretty teen boy?) something like tt...heh.Xp

so...yesh. i am one of those waiting in linelike a crazy teen wanting to watch the Death Note spin off. L changes the world. The Story is set in the last 23 Days of L’s life
click on the piccy to read up more on the movie on another site i found..
weee~:) wanna watch! hope its good!
ok. so much for that. now for the next recommendation...its a j-dorama this time round..:) a comedy! my fave...peeps who know me know i hate sob sob shows...:P
this show is called My Boss My Hero.

this is the short sypnosis from the wiki site.I picked out a summary from it.You can read the full thing >> Here <<.
This show is really kinda funny by my standards that is...:) anyone who wanna have a lil laugh...i think you can have a go at this j drama. Its sometimes senseless laughter, but sometimes it has touching moments too...which is nice. :) oo...i love the senseless pudding fights...but below all this senseless fun, the show is putting across a nice meaningful message. nice.:) if ur free...have a watch at this drama.=)
I haven't finished watching it yet...but till now...its getting me hooked...:) i just love jdramas!:) weeeeee~ could be because of the long break from them due to the busy life...but sometimes being a crazy drama fanatic aint bad at all. you'll learn and see different things:)
If you catch these shows tell me if you do enjoy them...=) till then...happy watching! Take care peeps!:) ja ne~

He is "L" from Death Note!!
omg. and to think i could'nt recognise where i saw him before. haha...
can you blame me..? He looks...well. kinda different...heh..:p

But on his acting skills, yea...jumping from Shin in Nana to L is rather different...not bad not bad...;)
Found some pics of him which look so different...have a looky....=)

these are some nice pics eh? :) it soo doesn't look like L. aha...can't expect him to look like tt in real life can we..?
its japan. where the pretty boys come from. lol. image is important. haha..:p bijin shounen. ( i can't remember the accurate spelling, but it roughly means pretty teen boy?) something like tt...heh.Xp

so...yesh. i am one of those waiting in line

weee~:) wanna watch! hope its good!
ok. so much for that. now for the next recommendation...its a j-dorama this time round..:) a comedy! my fave...peeps who know me know i hate sob sob shows...:P
this show is called My Boss My Hero.

this is the short sypnosis from the wiki site.I picked out a summary from it.You can read the full thing >> Here <<.
"Sakaki Makio, also known as "Tornado" is a tough 27-year-old high school drop-out.
By academic standards, he's pretty dumb. His father decides to force Makio to return to high school to receive his diploma. If Makio doesn't graduate, the position of boss will be given to his younger brother, Mikio."
" Things start out rough and tough as Makio's violent temper is tested. As the lessons and days go by he learns there is much more to school than just tests and studying."
This show is really kinda funny by my standards that is...:) anyone who wanna have a lil laugh...i think you can have a go at this j drama. Its sometimes senseless laughter, but sometimes it has touching moments too...which is nice. :) oo...i love the senseless pudding fights...but below all this senseless fun, the show is putting across a nice meaningful message. nice.:) if ur free...have a watch at this drama.=)

If you catch these shows tell me if you do enjoy them...=) till then...happy watching! Take care peeps!:) ja ne~
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