On 22 Sept went out with Jin and Huan + me orchard to find Fang. All my covalent bonds!:)) we specially go down to Orchard so can find fang de okie...haha...;)
In the afternoon the two girls were spacing out and day dreaming away...so tired lah them...make me feel like i'm such a boring person...-_-; o no..maybe i am...:( nah....they just were tired.
And then there was dinner! With no photo..pepper lunch! yummi! :0) but we had it as dinner though its called lunch...@-@
*digress*we sat next to some borish china guy *not that i have anything agaisnt China people.nono.* he was so cocky to the sales staff there. i swear he was at fault. he was still saying i throw the thing on the floor, I have money im not scared to buy another one. "wo you de shi qian" wah...blood boil sia. lucky i wasn't the person serving him or i might just have thrown him out. what a arrogant person. just like how i like to say. got money think you very big ah! pooi. stupid man.
*back to topic*
after dinner the girls were fueled with more energy! weeee!:D
And so we went to take neo prints!! yayay! it has been a looong time since i last took one...ages ago. i think its kinda fun and its stress relieving..somehow?=P
Here we goo...neoprint blastoff~ heh..:)

If its these little things in life which can make you happy, then go ahead. Don't mind too much about other's view, be yourself and enjoy ur friend's company! :))
Have fun and laugh out loud even though it may seem dumb!
We only live one life time! :))
Till next time my pals...loves. take care!
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