for the pass few weeks. fyp was murderous and it kinda in some dictionary meant.
fyp. syn: alot of frustration and tears
but then. now it means that with.
fyp.syn.: making/remaking friends, cheering each other on, having a warm feeling of happy encouragement.
crisis brings people together i realize. without this 'crisis' i wouldn't have met the people whom i have met. see the things i have seen. known the people (more) that what I have know of them.
ok. define crisis. in this terms here. i do not mean sos crisis. like terrorist or anything...but more rather of frantic and stress etc. etc.
*a digress*
talking about terrorist. rp sent an email to our school's webmail recently, there have been two men seen loitering around in school suspiciously. They have been suspected of stealing stuff around in campus...they looked prepared with the whole attire, tag and everything. sheesh...scary huh.
*going back to topic.
okok. i shall stop calling it crisis. going through this situation, I have seen some things, met new people, made new friends and gained more warmth and encouragement. :) overall. i am happy!~
you see. for almost two weeks going now, many of the yr3's doing their fyp editing would have not much life. it would be a routine of sch; classroom; then vista room to start work...
when you meet this people almost everyday it seems to be like we're stuck on this island, and in time to come you will get to meet this new nice people, not all are new...but it feels as if you are now sharing the same fate...and the destiny waits upon us. Somehow having this sort of feelings, we cheer each other on.
It is really very heartwarming. well. at least to me. when do you ever get people coming up to your door, to pass you some food, ask you how your going and give each other words of encouragement, hugs and a great big smile. in cold fast paced singapore. rather rare. not to say I have never met great people. in fact almost all people I know are wonderful peeps. I just feel that, its the kinda of support and encouragement which keeps everyone going from time to time....:D me like!
On friday night, we edited to about 10.30 plus, by the time we packed it was about 10.45...then we realised, everything was not accessible anymore. Even alvin who had the card which could access stuff in rp couldnt work anymore...cux it was pass the time...o no...what to do..the peeps called the security and asked them for help to help activate the lifts like twice or thrice through the intercomms...ok. so we waited. wait. wait. waiting. and still waiting...after what seemed to be forever. i got fed up. * read. sarah has no patience.
I took out my phone remembering i had randomly saved the security number in my phone before, and made a call to them. this people ah. !!! so irresponsible. apparently, they had not sent anyone to help us even after the intercom. like. wth. @-@ eh. we are humans you know. have welfare at heart lah, even though we're students doesn't mean you should take us lightly. being locked in ain't very fun you know.
So, i blasted. and finally the party on the other line got down to it. kudos to her or was it a him * can't remember. but thank you.* but no thanks to the security who took us lightly and ignore our intercomm conversation or conveniently forgetting about it?
We present our deepest gratitude. :)))
xie xie ni men! haa. XD
*i wanted to put up the don't know, don't care picc of the sta help guys, but scared they shy lah. :P but its a good pic.
Yeapx...so thats all for my post today. I bet its one of my longest. but. remember peeps. remember to cheer your pals on no matter when and where. there is always someone in need of a good hug, smile and encouragement. it doesn't take alot, but it goes a long way. :)
take care peeps. loves.
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